Friday, September 23, 2005

Rob's day off ....Red Lobster Day...

Tonite excatly at 6pm Rob and his friends are going to 'PIG "out on all u can eat shrimp at "The Red Lobster" ...he has been preparing since last nite so his tummy can take in 6-7 plates of shrimp ...I told him ..hey u better eat cause your tummy will shrink and u wont eat as much as u think u can ..he is off today its the first PA day of the school year and i am taking care of Amari while Tammy works flexable shedule alows me to take time off if i plan for it ...the fall weather is here and what weather it is so goreous ...i had Amari outside on the playstuff and the cool morning air tired him right out while i enjoyed my coffee and now he is napping ...Rob is still sleeping i imagine he will get up close to noon ..both boys down for the count ...I can catch up on a few paper office stuff and phonecalls that have to be taken care of ...more later ....
P.S. Well Rob won the eating contest 16 plates of shrimp Zack had 11 plates and Scott had 11 ...


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