Greeetings ....Well since the last post i have managed with help from my upline to sign up another 2 peoples in my MLM ...I still need 3 more and for them to go out and do the same thing i did ...It seems like i have been workin hard on the process but maybe its just because it is out of my comfort zone ?? AnyWho the subject of MLM ....Robbie is back at school (grade 11) and seems to still not like school !! haha however looks forward to socializing with his friends (Scott,Zack W,Zack B,Nick and Kyle) and some odd hanger onerrr .....He said last nite they plan on going to see that horror movie "Emily something" on friday nite so the guys are comming here directy after school and going to the early show ....and then the following week they are planning to go to "Red Lobster" to have a eating contest since it is all u can eat SHRIMP once again..they did that last spring and the guys must had at least 12 plates of SHRIMp no kiddin ....apparently the waitress said that thats the most she had ever served up so far !! These guys have huge stomaches thank goodness they use more energy to burn up all the calories they consume ....Rob and Nick and Kyle are the tallest in their group all over 6'1 ...
I have taken off 2 days now to take care of Amari since Tammy has to take a course thanks goodness my work is flexable and i can make it up ...the last few days have been HOT and will be tomorrow too and then back to normal temps once again ...I have always hated the HOT temps....i love the Fall my most fav time of the year....i love the smell of fall leaves the earthiness smells and i hope when i pass into the next world it will be in the Fall so i am covered up with the smell of leaves ...The last few nites i have been dreaming such crazy dreams ...i am not sure what the signifigence of them ...I plan to look it up in my dream book when i get a chance ...anyways enough of the ramblings for now ....Maybe with my writings i can improve my speelin ....Till we meet again......
P.S. These pictures were taken up in Sault St Marie (Ontario) last Oct. while on the famous Awaga Train Trail...
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